Paris Libertin by Ressan : 240 pages of intimate 30x30 superb book

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Ressan Volume.2

Paris Libertin by Ressan

 240 pages en format 30x30, couverture rigide.
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Beyond fantasies, clichés, parodies, everything you could imagine libertinage, Ressan invites you to a journey into the intimate exploration of the most casual sexuality. It's by forging links over the last three years with hundreds of couples that he was able to freely capture their image with generosity, revealing under its lens their extremely diverse and often 'off-track' universe.

From discrete hotel rooms in romantic Paris to cosy and private interiors, from very private Parisian parties to the places of the most mysterious pleasures, this book is full of sensual pictures that let you guess the intensity of those carnal moments. This book is like a secret, a whisper to your senses: it offers an aesthetic and benevolent vision of a world often fantasized , nevertheless real, just a glance, without judgment, censorship nor excessive hype. Through these beautiful and genuine photos, never retouched but simply magnified by a unique eye, the dereliction of the body and the outpouring of spirits are almost palpable.

Whether this amuses or disturbs you, titillates, offends or touches you, this testimony will not leave you indifferent.

Héloïse Van Cramen

 240 pages en format 30x30, couverture rigide.
240 pages in 30x30 format , hardcover.


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